9 comments on “Building a Game and a Game-Plan

  1. Pingback: Building a Game and a Game-Plan | New England Fencing Alliance

  2. A good post and something that too few coaches really seem to spend time on with their students. Understanding this relationship is a key skill to strip coaching a student or teammate. Too often, I see a fencer being strip coached to use actions that they clearly are not comfortable with.

    I also like to think of my opponent’s game and game-plan relationship so that I have some idea how they are likely to react to the setups I give them.

  3. I give much he same advice, but I advise them to take it one step farther:
    1. Understand your game (your strengths and weaknesses)
    2. Have a game plan (know how your game might interact with your opponents game)

    Then I advise them one step further
    3. Have a plan of action

    For each exchange have a basic plan of action when the distance closes (either by closing or allowing the distance to close). What action you want to use, what you need to do to make that action most effective against your opponents game. If you like the look of what is happening, you complete the action, if you don’t like the way things are developing you can step back and try again, or try something different.

    It’s the difference between going shopping for whatever and coming home with Maple Soda, a hunk of prosciutto and a candy cell-phone; or taking your list and coming home with Milk, eggs and bread.

  4. Excellent point. In my mind I was thinking of the game plan as merging points 2 and 3 but compartmentalizing the approach in two separate steps would work just as well.
    Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂

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